NJRMA is Your Voice of Retailing In New Jersey

The New Jersey Retail Merchants Association (NJRMA) was founded in 1967 by a group of retailers who were extremely concerned with the thousands of bills and regulations developed by the Legislature and state agencies every year that directly impacted their business operations.

NJRMA Saves You Time

NJRMA knows you need every available minute to run your business. It's not always easy to find the time or the resources to handle paperwork thrust on you by government or to interpret laws affecting you. You can count on NJRMA to protect your interests, and to fight for those bills that will increase your profits. NJRMA provides individual regulatory and legislative services that are free-only to members.

One Size Does Fit All

Your fellow members include the largest national chains as well as medium and small retail establishments. No retail store is too big or too small to join NJRMA. Your store, regardless of size, adds to the overall strength of the Association.

Strength In Numbers

There is strength in numbers. A larger and more vibrant NJRMA provides the clout necessary for you as a retailer to negotiate with the Legislature, the Governor, organized labor, environmental coalitions and business vendors.

Members Section
SCORE: Counselors to America's Small Business